Saturday, July 21, 2012

C-CLOWN - "Solo"

C-CLOWN is another debut group taking advantage of the rising popularity of synths. Their debut song "Solo" starts off slow with piano riffs and melancholy acousitc guitar chords, promptly switching to a midtempo synthpop track. In a time where so many new groups are popping up, it's important to be original; C-CLOWN group falls slightly short of this goal.

The group has strong vocals and sound great together, but that's about it. Both the melody and instrumental of the song sound like countless of other k-pop songs out there. In all honestly, while listening to "Solo," it strongly reminded me of a song Teen Top would perform. The ending of the song was also rather abrupt, leaving a rather lackluster first impression. There are, though, many good points of the song. The bassline wasn't too overbearing, and the subtle electronic riffs added a nice touch. I also liked the raindrop bit; it reminds me of sound effects a pop group in the 90s would utilize.

Yes, C-CLOWN is good. The singers have a wide vocal range and the rappers are hard-hitting with their lines, but this is not enough for them to truly stand out. "Solo" is a prime example of the k-pop industry's redundancy and lack of variety. With a bit more work I believe C-CLOWN can be strong contenders, but their debut just wasn't strong enough. 2.8/5.


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