BIGSTAR's debut track "HOTBOY" is definitely interesting. As I pressed play, the sound immediately reminded me of a mix between Big Bang, Teen Top, and Psy's "Gangnam Style." The middle of the song undergoes a style change which is definitely Teen Top influenced with vocals similar to Niel's. The mix of these different styles could have been a disaster, but it's actually pretty good.
Their incorporation of many styles into one gives off an interesting, fun feel, but it's still nothing new. It has the typical kpop song elements, riddled with synths and hard-hitting kicks. One thing I'm happy about, though, is the strong bass line. Many kpop songs today are scared to make use of the bass line, so it's a nice change. Talent is apparent in the group, as the vocals and raps are quite strong. This is slightly countered by the cheap chanting present throughout the song, though; but most commercial songs possess some kind of chanting, so it makes sense for a debut group to try and incorporate it. It's okay, though, as the chanting along with the beat makes "HOTBOY" quite catchy. The boys' energy is also infectious, adding to the likability of this song.
"HOTBOY" is just right for BIGSTAR to catch some attention, but not enough for them to really stand out. The change in style halfway through the song has also thrown some people off, as it feels like it's a totally different song. Their debut single is a good start but the boys should come back stronger next time, specifically in trying to create a unique sound without reminding listeners of other groups.2.8/5.